We are on leave!
In 2014, Olav and I decided to sell our well-known and busy French restaurant in Amsterdam. We took a year off, traveled around the world, and upon return, we chose to repurpose our passion for hospitality and gastronomy by organizing dining experiences in a more intimate setting: our own home!
We started Martine's Table and early 2016 we joined the EatWith platform, which was then known to only a very limited number of internet users. By the end of that year EatWith decided to advertise all hosts on TripAdvisor, and the global community of communal tables, home cooking, private dinners, etc. started to explode.
It brought more guests to our table, leading to more reviews, to blogs we had no clue about, posts on many websites world wide. AirBnB Experiences added us as a "must-do". Martine's Table reached the nr. 1 position on TripAdvisor for six years in a row.
We had guests from more than 80 countries, from all continents. Young and old, from only a few months, to over 90 years of age. Families, friends, colleagues, complete strangers, singles, couples. People of all colors, religions, beliefs, political viewpoints, hobbies, professions, expertise, fields of interest. Everything was possible, everything was discussed, we played music, everybody felt free to talk and to share, it was amazing from the very first dinner, until the last.
In addition, Olav started Olav's Tours, where visitors were given personal insights into the history, development and architecture that defined Amsterdam over the centuries, and still do of course.
Without exaggeration we can say that we hosted and guided the world, and that it was a joy. And that our slogan "There are no strangers, just friends we haven't met yet" turned out to be so true!
We feel honored and privileged to have been able to run Martine's Table and Olav's Tours the past nine years. But now it is time for a break. This is the moment. We will have our sabbatical.
We want to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who was our guest, wrote such great reviews, promoted Martine’s Table to family and friends. To those who made us laugh or cry. To those who shared their secrets. To those who made us think. To those who came back a few times. To those we never met, because we were on vacation, or when we were fully booked. To all those who showed their interest and gave us the best time of our lives.
Someday in the future, we might be back. If so, we'll let you know. Maybe our paths cross again, who knows. For now, we wish all of you the very best.
Warmest regards,
Martine & Olav